Inaugural Website Testing Thursday with Avinash Kaushik @ Palo Alto, CA.
An event similar to Web Analytics Wednesdays, Testing Thursdays will be about website testing and optimizations…
Google is excited to announce its inaugural web optimization event! It’s called Website Testing Thursday & it’s a great opportunity to meet others at the forefront of testing and optimization.
Learn what test ideas are working and build out your web optimization network.
As a special treat, Avinash Kaushik will be in attendance! We may find a ribbon for him to cut. 🙂
Thursday, July 16, 6-8 PM
Junnoon Restaurant
150 University Ave
Palo Alto, CA
please RVSP as soon as possible so we can get an accurate count.
Testing Thursday Invite (no site registration required):
Please forward this invite to others, we would love to have as many people as possible. This is your chance to get up close and personal with Avinash.
Do check out the Official Announcement in the GWO blog .
Looks like an awesome event, esp with Avinash. I first heard it from you, thanks Deepak.